Championland has moved. Please update your links!

Hey friends. We’ve moved to a new space.

You can still use, but if you prefer a wordpress link, use

See you over at the new space!

Starts With / Ends With on iPhone

A few years ago I made a card game called Starts With / Ends With.  Today it was released for iPhone… and iPad/iPod too. It’s 99 cents and available right here: Starts With Ends With

The basic game is this:
-10 quick rounds
-Each round you get a starting and ending letter
-Come up with the longest word using those letters
-Get bonus points for speed
-Global Leaderboads using Game Center
-Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr integration

I’m really proud of this game. I pushed myself on the coding and graphic design, and kept trying new things. There are a few little adjustments I’d like to make in an update, but I want to give it a few days to get some feedback. So, if you enjoy it, please tell your friends. If you do not, let me know why so I can improve it. Either way, thanks a ton.

Oh, and can you beat my high score of 1,380?

Me With Buscemi Eyes

This is my first iPhone / iPad / iPod app. I submitted another one that was rejected… but this one is now out! And it’s free! And it’s in the App store!

It’s super simple. Just choose or take a photo, and Steve Buscemi’s eyes will magically appear on your photo. You can adjust the size, color and placement a little and then post it to all of your favorite sites.

I’ve already submitted an update to make it more backwards compatible and to fix some of the Twitter integration. I’m working on a deluxe version too with more options and more control, but it’s not ready just yet.

Check it out and share your photos!

View in App Store 

From Tabletop to Mobile and Back Again

For the past 2-3 months, I haven’t worked on anything physical. I attended and came up with some fun ideas for the Philly Global Game Jam, but none were able to be fully developed. Most of my time has been dedicated to working on Pixel Lincoln for Nintendo DS, but other than that I’ve been learning and working on iPhone apps. I submitted by first to the app store on February 28th and about a week later it was rejected. It was a silly little app, that just happened to be about farting (which is a big no-no with Apple).



This app idea came up quickly. I was thinking about what I could do with the very light amount of coding I knew, and I said I could do a fortune cookie app. Then I played around with the word a little and it turned into fartune cookie. At that point, the hardest part was done.. I just had to learn to code a few things, take some photos, reword some fortunes, make some sound effects and submit it.

I had a feeling they wouldn’t accept it though, knowing their policy on fart apps. But I hoped this was different enough. I still stand by it. I think it functions really well, has solid graphics, and it’s kind of clever. My dad gets a kick out of it.

But it was rejected, appealed, and rejected again. There’s not much else I can do at this point, but I may make it available Ad-Hoc at some point. I’ve never done that, but I don’t want to just throw it away. Either way, I learned a lot making it and already used that information in making the next ones.

So since then I’ve been sulking… and also working on some other apps. I made an app version of one of my card games and it’s almost done. I took a week or so off from that one to make a quick app, which is also just about done. It’s called Water Tracker and it tracks your daily water intake. I should have it ready very soon and I’ll post some photos.

As for the tabletop games… they’re super expensive, but they can be done without spending money. Kickstarter has proven to be successful, and other methods are proving it too. Ben Garvey just released the print-and-play game Kids Dungeon Adventure ( with his daughter Sasha. There has been a lot of buzz around it, as it’s really a great idea. Seeing that has kind of sparked some non-traditional distribution ideas in me, and it also started the tabletop gaming itch again. It’s been a while since I’ve worked on anything physical, and it would be fun to jump into something new.

Be back soon with some images of Water Tracker, other iPhone stuff, and maybe some tabletop games too?

See you soon.

About Championland…

I’m trying out some new theme ideas and I wanted to make a sticky post to describe a little bit about the site while it’s in a state of transition. (<— does that make sense?)

So, Championland is my game creation site. I've created and released 5 games, most of which are available to the right. I'm also currently developing a ton more. I plan to showcase images and ideas during the creative process, right here on the site.

Stop back sometime soon!



2010 was a big year for Championland. Most of the year was spent developing a video game version of the card game Pixel Lincoln. This is still in progress and very time consuming, but at the same time it’s really exciting. We also had our big Kickstarter campaign for Lines of Fire. We received the funding needed to produce the game in just 4 days, and by the end we went well above our goal. We shipped about 50 copies out to the Kickstarter backers and sold others at a few conventions since. The response has been very positive and I’m itching to make some additions/expansions to the game. Other than that, I worked on ideas for a handful of other games. Some are ready for production, some are still being developed. The usual issues of time and money have stood in the way, but it’s a new year and time for a new plan.


In 2011 I would like to try out some new things. I’ve been working hard on learning both C++ and Objective C programming. Ultimately, I’d like to create some iPhone/iPad/iPad/iOS/etc versions of some of my board and card games. Why? Because the production is very inexpensive compared to a physical version of the game. These will not replace the physical versions. I’d like to be able to offer both. An app version for free or very cheap, and the limited collectors physical version. In order to fund a physical version, I may go back to Kickstarter or see if anything comes out of the apps. Just like the Kickstarter funding, any money that I receive from these games is going right into the next one.

As for the actual games, here are the ideas I have. I’d like to see an app version of Lines of Fire, Famous Missions, and Starts With/Ends With. I’ve been working on unreleased games like Cafe Catastrophe (100% done) and Wasteland (75% done). And I have ideas, sketches, rules, and notes on about a dozen others. I have a spider themed roll and move game that I’d love to do something with. The next step is a really nice prototype. That leads me to something that I need to do in 2011 that I’ve never really done before.

I need to take my prototypes and actually do something with them. I’ve never really pitched a game to anybody and I still feel uncomfortable with whole idea. But I need to make some connections and take some steps in that direction.

And finally I would like to get this website in order. It needs an update and some format changes. I’ll be working on it very soon.

Lines of Fire available for pre-order!

Our Kickstarter run has ended, and we’re now starting to get all of the parts for Lines of Fire. Within 2 weeks, I’ll have all of the components and we’ll start shipping the game out. We’ll have about 50 copies left over on the initial run… so if anyone would like to still purchase the game, you can use the links below.

USA with $3 Regular Mail shipping

USA with $5 Priority Mail shipping

More shipping options coming this week!

Lines of Fire on Kickstarter – 48 hours left!

So we’re nearing the end of the Lines of Fire Kickstarter project and it went well beyond I ever expected to. We’re currently at $500, which is $150 more than the goal amount. I had intended to promote like crazy, and post more videos in the past two weeks and a few things (sicknesses, work, Pixel Lincoln, sicknesses, and more sicknesses) kind of took me by storm so I’m starting my last minute push right now.

I feel a little weird pushing it at this point, since we’ve passed our goal, but here’s why I’m doing it. Any extra funding is going to the next game project. The next game will either be Cafe Catastrophe or an unnamed underwater diving for gems game. They’re both fun and artwork is 100% complete, except the underwater game needs a name and a logo.

Another reason to buy it on Kickstarter is because you’ll save a few bucks and get a special playable card for Kickstarter backers only. I plan to sell the game for $12.00 plus shipping once Kickstarter is complete. Right now it’s just $10.00 and you get this awesome, playable, never before revealed card.

Also, we got the boxes and dice in. Everything looks great. Just waiting for the final cards and instructions and we’re ready to go.

That’s about it. Thanks again to everyone who helped make this happen. You guys are awesome.

Kickstarter is going really well.

I guess I shouldn’t have stressed so much about putting the game on Kickstarter. Today we’re at 93% and only $25 away from the $350 goal. But, I was worried about a few things.

1. Asking for help.
I never ask for help. If so, I really need it and I’ve exhausted all of my own resources. But for this game, it’s a little different. It’s not a life or death scenario. Life will go on if this game were to not be made. But I really feel confident about it and I want to take the next step in game design. I don’t want to go into credit card debt, or throw everything away due to financial reasons. So I thought about Kickstarter’s pledge system. I still stressed about it because I didn’t want people to think I’m being greedy by asking for them to help my creative needs.

2. Not reaching the goal amount.
I was really worried about getting some pledges and not meeting our goal amount. I thought it would be embarrassing to me and to the people who pledged, and it would definitely prevent me from giving it another shot.

Both of those worries are gone. After all of the support we’ve gotten from friends and fellow gamers, I feel really good. I feel super confident about this project, and I can’t wait to release this and start the next.

But of course, new worries have developed.

1. Monthly Gaming Project.
I went into this with the idea of a monthly gaming project. I have games that are ready for the next 3 months of the year. If we go above our Kickstarter budget, I’m going to start getting the next one ready. I do stress about the next game though. If I go to Kickstarter with whatever funding I don’t have leftover from Lines of Fire, is that being greedy? Doing projects back to back? I think it definitely sounds greedy, so I’ll keep thinking about how to handle it. Maybe I can go with a super inexpensive game idea next, and do it without any backing at all.

2. Meeting our goal amount.
I also stress out about if we pass our goal of $350. Do I continue to push the Kickstarter site? I think I will, just to help the next projects and to allow more pre-orders of the game with the bonuses.

I shouldn’t stress though. Things are really going well. Right now about 1/3 of the copies of Lines of Fire are called for and that’s really, really awesome. I’m at the point where I’m working on cover art and filling in all of the last minute details that weren’t even on my radar this time last week.

Lines of Fire – Now on Kickstarter!

After going back and forth, and back again… I decided to launch Lines of Fire on Kickstarter. If you’re not familiar with Kickstarter, it’s a website where you launch a project and ask for funding. In return for the funding you will offer different rewards. For Lines of Fire, we’re offering the game and a few other things.

I hesitated about putting this on Kickstarter, but then I realized the worst case scenario is that the game doesn’t get funded. It’s worth a shot. Also I spoke with Jonathan Fisher last night (the artist for the game) and he said that he would offer some custom creature sketches for some of the pledges. This was an awesome idea, and I want one for myself.

So, if you’re interested, the Kickstarter link is above and right here: You can donate as little as $1. The entire budget is only $350, so the dollars really help! Also, if you know anyone that is interested, feel free to spread the word. It’s a huge help. Thanks!