Championland has moved. Please update your links!

Hey friends. We’ve moved to a new space.

You can still use, but if you prefer a wordpress link, use

See you over at the new space!

Starts With / Ends With on iPhone

A few years ago I made a card game called Starts With / Ends With.  Today it was released for iPhone… and iPad/iPod too. It’s 99 cents and available right here: Starts With Ends With

The basic game is this:
-10 quick rounds
-Each round you get a starting and ending letter
-Come up with the longest word using those letters
-Get bonus points for speed
-Global Leaderboads using Game Center
-Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr integration

I’m really proud of this game. I pushed myself on the coding and graphic design, and kept trying new things. There are a few little adjustments I’d like to make in an update, but I want to give it a few days to get some feedback. So, if you enjoy it, please tell your friends. If you do not, let me know why so I can improve it. Either way, thanks a ton.

Oh, and can you beat my high score of 1,380?